why we survey?In 2012, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation released the three-year Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project findings indicating student perception surveys are a strong way to measure teaching effectiveness, engagement, and school connectedness. School districts nationwide deploy student surveys to learn more about classroom experiences and to gain feedback regarding educational practices. Student survey data are used regularly to support strategic planning at the classroom, school, and district levels.
Canon City School District believes all students have a voice and can actively advocate for their own learning. Surveys allow students low-risk opportunities to clarify their needs, provide feedback regarding school improvement initiatives, and share how they feel about their educational experiences. To better understand our students’ health and the choices they may make, Canon City Schools uses surveys to measure School Climate, Learning Engagement, Academic Relevance, Sense of Belonging at School, Nutrition and Physical Activity, School Safety, Bullying and Violence, Substance Use, Social-Emotional Learning, and Community Engagement. Our tools are normed and help us measure best practices. We use this data to identify academic and behavioral needs and assess risk and protective factors in our school and community. The data help guide programming for student academic success, provide direction for schools to address student concerns, enhance parent-child conversations about choices, and allow educational specialists to provide timely support to students who may have increased needs. Surveys measuring student perception of school climate tell us how safe and secure students feel in school. Research indicates better understanding of student perceptions leads to improved academic outcomes and reduced incidents of disciplinary action. Students feeling connected to school leads to increased academic performance and reduced dropout rates. Research also shows students who fear rejection, are being bullied or being discriminated against may choose to disconnect from school. Clearly understanding students’ needs offer insight and allow staff to better provide necessary resources and support. Survey data unveil key indicators and drive guiding efforts for academic programming as well as health and wellness initiatives. |
To ensure every student feels safe and accepted at school, w actively promote and practice tolerance and acceptance of others regardless of differences. We use student voice collected through surveys to better understand and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion and create environments of acceptance in all of our schools.
Our core belief in Canon City Schools is that every child is capable of learning, growing, and realizing their potential. We believe our schools are safe places for our students, and we continue to work to that end. By design, student surveys neither condone nor condemn behaviors. They are simply tools to identify current conditions and allow us to better hone our focus and student support services. Canon City Schools first priority is to educate every student as unique human beings and continue to promote safe learning environments. Survey participation in Canon City Schools is entirely voluntary, and parents or students may opt-out. References: American Psychological Association. (2014). School Connectedness. School Connectedness Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. https://cdphe.colorado.gov/hkcs Edumetrisis BIMAS2 Survey: Edumetrisis Schools Connectedness Study Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors Among Youth. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/protective/pdf/connectedness.pdf Resnick, M., Bearman, P, Blum R., Bauman K., Harris K., Jones, J, et al.(1997). Protecting adolescents from harm: findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health. JAMA 1997;278(10):823-832. Youth Truth Survey: Youth Truth Resources |
Important Survey Dates
(Grades 6-12)
6-12 School Mental Health Screener
Healthy Kids Colorado Survey
*Opt-out forms will be sent out at least one week prior to survey administration. PDF copies are linked below.
Screener - Opt-Out Form + YouthTruth - Opt-Out Form + Healthy Kids Colorado Survey - Opt-Out Form